Simon and I spent last night working on making some Christmas ornaments for the Grandparents. I think they turned out really cute. I'm in charge of coming up with the monthly craft idea for Simon's playgroup and we are making these for December. I need to post some of the other stuff we've made sometime. they are.
Christmas wreath made using his fingertips:

Reindeer made using his thumbprint:

I found the glittery ornament idea online and the wreath and reindeer addition was my own twist. Basically you take clear ornaments, take the metal top off and squeeze glitter paint down inside and shake and swirl around. I actually bought clear plastic ornaments instead since they would last longer and would be safer for Simon to use and they actually come apart in half. So we squirted in the paint and then Simon swirled it all around using a foam brush. Made the fingerprint and thumbprint designs, let dry and then added rhinestone stick on embellishments for the ornaments and Rudolph's nose. On the back I wrote his name and the year in 3D/puffy paint. Then added some Christmas ribbon. All in all I think the grandparents will be pleased. Of course I could have handed them anything and said it was from Simon and they would be thrilled. I even made sure to make one for myself this time.
Stay tuned in January when we will be making orange bird feeders for our feathery friends...