Here in Kentucky we are still recovering from the effects of being hit by an ice storm. There are STILL people without power and it hit nine days ago. We thankfully have ours back after six LONG days without it. We have a gas fireplace and a gas water heater so chose to stay in our home since we were warm and able to take showers. We had to sit our food out in the snow and cook using our grill outside. It was crazy! My poor sister-in-law lost her car when a live power line fell on it and burnt it to the ground.
We are all happy and healthy and without any major damage though and for that I am grateful. Here are some pictures. It was a pain, but pretty just the same. Even so, I'm glad its melting and I hope it doesn't return for a long long long time.

My hubby hiking to the store to get some charcoal.

Our makeshift refrigerator/freezer.

What do you do after about four days of being bored without power?? My son chases the cats under the bedsheets. lol
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